A recent UK Government report states …
"It is estimated that around 60,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur each year in the UK. Overall survival rates vary across England, but range between 2% and 12%. However, survival rates as high as 75% have been reported where CPR and defibrillation are delivered promptly. This is why the statutory guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions advises schools to consider purchasing an AED as part of their first-aid equipment.”
All of our first aid courses are accredited with the FAA (First Aid Awards)
Please scroll down the page to see the courses we can offer, if you require any further information, please go to the contacts page and get in touch.
Level 3 First Aid at Work : 3 day course
It is a requirement of the Health & Safety law that employers provide a safe and healthy environment to work in. If your assessment of first aid needs highlights the need for qualified first aiders, then this level 3 qualification (level 6 in Scotland) will provide you with suitable, highly trained personnel.
This comprehensive three-day course covers a wide range of first aid emergencies, enabling all participants to deal with emergency situations with confidence in a prompt, safe and effective way. In addition, this course will include any protocol changes that may have arisen since their last training course.
This course will give the participants a qualification to the highest level of First Aid, meeting the statutory requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
A range of subjects are covered in:
Legalities, responsibilities and reporting
Heart attacks
Dealing with an unresponsive casualty
Eye injuries
Fractures and spinal injuries
Control of bleeding
Chest injuries
Assessment of the situation
Shock (including Anaphylaxis)
Head injuries
Sprains and strains
Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work : 1 day course
Where an organisation’s risk assessment of First Aid needs identifies that there is a requirement for Emergency First Aid at Work practitioners, then this national Award in Emergency First Aid at Work satisfies the requirements of the regulatory body for First Aid – the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
All learners will have the skills and knowledge to provide the organisation with Emergency First Aider’s that can provide treatment to their casualties in a prompt, safe and effective manner.
A range of subjects are covered including:
Responsibilities and reporting
Assessment of the situation
Dealing with an unresponsive casualty
Basic hygiene in First Aid
Minor injuries
Bleeding control
Level 2 Basic Life Support and Safe use of an Automated External Defibrillator : 4 hour course
Heart and circulatory disease claims around 200,000 lives each year. Many could have been saved if a defibrillator was made available.
Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) are now becoming more common throughout a range of public and workplaces.
A casualty’s survival rate will dramatically increase if an AED is available and if you have appropriately qualified personnel to use it.
This very practical course will enable you to use the AED competently and with confidence.
Not only does this course deal with the use of an AED, but it also includes vital training in basic life support including resuscitation.
A range of subjects are covered including:
Responsibilities and reporting
Assessment of the situation
Dealing with an unresponsive casualty
Infection control
AED functions
Defibrillation procedures
Safety measures
Level 3 Forestry First Aid : 2 hour course
This course provides the knowledge and competence for a learner to deal with emergency first aid situations in a forestry/agricultural environment and covers the recommended topics stated in the Forestry Commission First Aid policy 2015. All learners must hold an in date Level 3 Emergency First Aid or Level 3 First Aid at work qualification.
A range of subjects are covered including:
Catastrophic Bleeding Control
Crush injuries
Effects of extreme cold
Lyme disease
Emergency planning and remote medical assistance
Other FAA accredited course we can deliver.
Level 3 : 2-day First Aid at Work requalification
Level 3 : 2-day Paediatric First Aid
Level 3 : 1-day Emergency Paediatric First Aid
Level 3 : 2-day Activity First Aid
Level 2 : 1-day CPR and AED
Level 2 : 3-hour Student First Aid
Level 2 : 3-hour Basic Life Support
3-hour Catastrophic Bleeding Control
Half-day Annual Refresher
For further information on any of these courses please go to the contact page and get in touch.